Computer networks are like cars – they need regular maintenance and monitoring. There are many reasons for
this, for example:

• Detect failing hardware before it causes downtime or data loss
• Maintaining patches and upgrades to software to prevent crashes and vulnerabilities
• Check backups work – you don’t want to find out the tape is empty the day your hard drives fail!
• Making sure Server/PC hard drives don’t run out of space
• Monitor for viruses on your network

All-Inclusive Contracts

These offer complete cover for your network and protect you against all parts and labour costs for the
duration of the contract. These agreements usually offer the following features but can be customised to
meet your individual business requirements:

• Telephone Support our highly trained engineers will provide telephone support in a bid to resolve
the problem and get your system running again as quickly as possible.

• Fast, onsite response an engineer will be onsite within 4 hours of reported failure of critical
equipment such as servers or network switches/hubs.

• Loan Equipment We will provide loan equipment if the failed item is not repairable onsite. In the
event of PC failure, a loan computer will be provided and data transferred to the loan and back
again once your computer has been repaired.